ICAT 2019 will feature pre-conference tutorials addressing advances in applied technologies. Tutorials will be scheduled on December 3rd, 2019. Tutorial proposals should be emailed to the tutorial chair (see below) by October 30th, 2019.
A tutorial proposal should include:
- Title
- Presenter/organizer name(s) and affiliations
- Expected enrollment
- Abstract (less than 300 words)
- Additional outline if needed
- Presenter/organizer biography
- Links to the presenter/organizer web page or the tutorial page (optional)
The proposal should not exceed two pages in 1.5 space, Times 12 point font. The tutorial format (preliminary) is 1 hour and 45 minutes with a 10-minute break.
For further inquiries or to submit your proposal please contact the tutorial chair: Marcelo Zambrano, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ecuador. Email: omzambrano[at]utn.edu.ec